02.03.2023 / Köln

Review: React Usergroup Cologne - Spring Edition


React Usergroup Cologne in open space format

On March, 2nd 2023, QOSSMIC once again hosted the React Usergroup at the Cologne office to offer developers a platform for exchange and discussion of current topics in the field of React.

The event was held in an open space format and consisted of a total of four interesting talks, which offered participants the opportunity to expand their knowledge and network with other developers. The talks covered a wide range of React-related topics and were suitable for all levels of experience.

The individual talks are described in more detail below.

Sources for architecture and design patterns

Design patterns are important in React to solve common problems and provide developers with best practices to write reusable and scalable code.

In his talk, Conrad Barthelmes discussed the importance of design patterns in React with other participants and compiled a list of helpful resources.

React in eCommerce

React is used in eCommerce to create interactive and user-friendly interfaces that provide a seamless and personalised shopping experience.

During the talk, there was a lively discussion about how React can be used effectively in the eCommerce sector and what best practices exist. The focus was especially on the topics React Storefront and Commercetools Frontend.

Performance and production builds

Topic was how to decrease the size of production builds with webpack. The initiator of the session was struggling with a very large client build due to a library he needed to use for a project and was asking for best-practices on how to reduce the bundle-size. As an outcome we found these rules:

  • Use direct imports from a BarrelFile to simplify TreeShaking instead from one large index file. For example import Button from components/Button/SubmitButton instead import Button from components
  • Split your code if possible
  • Use frameworks with Island Architecture

API contract and definitions

We talked about different ways to define a contract between an API and it’s consumers with different advantages and disadvantages. We discussed generating Typescript types/interfaces with openapi-typescript-codegen and ldkit.

To stay up to date on new dates and topics, as well as to network with other interested participants, visit us on Meetup.


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